Making Exuma Better

You've heard it before; how rewarding it is for a real estate broker to find a dream home for their client.
So imagine how our Exuma team of
Jenny Kettel and
Judy Hurlock felt when they sold the Coconut Cove Hotel to a developer who's pumping $750,000 into the resort in their community?
Developer John McGarvey of the U.S. said the buyers were “hot after' Coconut Cove because of its great location. It's close to George Town, the capital of Great Exuma, accessible to the airport and has a great view of beautiful Stocking Island.
Closed for months, the 12 room Coconut Cove is now being transformed into a four star hotel with a five star quality restaurant.
McGarvey's predicting a banner year for Exuma next winter, thanks to increased airlift and foreign investment on the island. In fact, he plans to double the number of rooms and invest up to $4 million in the property within three years.
Judy, the sales agent, said the benefits to the island are immeasurable. Jenny listed the property.
* Your leading Exuma real estate source.