Coldwell Banker Bahamas Real Estate Blog

Meet the Bahamas: our Flag, Flower, and Tree

2009-02-15 14:56:49 by:
The Bahamian Flag The colors of the Bahamian flag are black, gold and aquamarine. The black represents the Bahamian people, the gold represents the sun and the aquamarine is a symbol of our crystal clear waters. The National Flower The yellow elder (Tecoma stans) (Yellow trumpetbush) is a tubular yellow flower with ultra-fine red stripes on each petal. It grows wild in The Bahamas, but is usually improved through cultivation. The Yellow Elder Tree may reach a height of nearly twenty feet. The blooming period is from October to December, diminishing by March. The National Tree Lignum Vitae or 'tree of life' (Guaiacum sanctum) is a very heavy wood characterized by clusters of small blue flowers at the branch tips.

Read about all the symbols of the Bahamas on the BahamasGuide.